Body Messagers


Compression Therapy Unit
DVT can occur some serious problem when trombophlebitis (scales) stay at anywhere of body after surgery operation. Doctor Life is used for the prevention and cure of DVT after surgeries by accelerating the blood circulation to remove the scales in blood.

Crazy Fir Massager
Burns Fat and tones and tightens Skin – Increased fat burning because the metabolism increases by training. The vibrations reshape the body in the hip, waist and abdomen. Increases Human Growth Hormone output by up to 361%. Decreases cellulite and boosts your body’s natural collagen production: The massage exercises loosen the agglutinations and results in better mobility of the tissue layers. The image of the skinwill also improve, because cellulites are broken down and the connective tissue is enhanced therefore it would boost your body’s natural collagen production for improved skin texture. Increase your muscle strength up to 50% in as little as three weeks: During the training almost 100% of the muscle fibers are utilized. Improves blood circulation and lyphatic drainage and metabolism: During training, the muslces pump blood into the smallest capillaries up to 50 times per second. This allows the cells to receive fuel more rapidly and causes waste products to be disposed of much faster. Also by enhancing your local circulation it builds a stronger immunity system. Builds Bone Density and fights osteoporosis and reduces your back and joint pains. Decreases blood Pressure Decrease your recovery time after workouts. Dramatically increase your flexibility: Due to better blood flow, heating of the muscles and the tendon stretching reflex, the body becomes much more supple and relaxed. Improved sense of balance and coordination: The receptors in the entire body are stimulated at the same time, which leads to improved coordination of the relating muscles at the same time the sense of balance are trained. Elevates stress: Causing better mood and sense of well being. It helps your relax with its vibration and it also can help you fight insomnia.


Foot Massager

Leg Massager
Have you ever wanted to return from work and just relax while having a full calves/foot massage? Even once a week? Well, YOU CAN HAVE IT DAILY!!!, 24 hrs. a day, while doing what ever fits better to you at that time.
This massager uses the newest technology designed specially to massage and relax your feet, ankles and calves.
This light, portable, convenient designed massager can be taken wherever you want, and use it at any time you wish.


Pneumatic Compression Therapy
General Information:
All human body is supplied by peripheral circulationof blood and lymph. Compression system helps patients recovered from their disease by improving blood and lymph circulation and metabolism.
Compression system consists of air chambers and an air pump offering air compression massage to legs, arms or waist.
Power Q1000 is a high class professional model.
Every chamber can have a different pressure or can work only with 1 selected chamber. Graphic LED display. Inflation pressure and time control by two separate keys.

Portable Massage Chair

Thrive Massager
Thrive Massager is imported from japan. This massager combines a vertical motion with an irregular rotary motion which raises massaging effects. Designed as per the industry standards and specifications, the heat massage provided by it is highly effective in relieving stress. its very reliable and maintenance free product .

Whole Body Massage Chair
A 15 minutes massage on the Massage Chair could relieve you of full day’s exhaustion/fatigue/stress. An excellent option for elderly and working individuals who need a relaxing massage after a stressful day of work.